Loop Header Image

Loop is an upcoming social app that facilitates anonymous support groups. This is a proposed design direction with a sample of two user avatars and an app intro screen.

The style direction here is semi-low poly with smooth shading and curvilinear forms to tie into the loops motif. The design brief for this project was extremely detailed with a colour scheme, visual references, and rules about character depictions (specifically, no humans).

Intro Screen

The intro screen was inspired by an illustration in the app prototype of a bar or café. Instead, the space on the intro screen is a casual, intimate lounge.

From the characters, to the lights, carpet, and everything in between, circular forms are the underlying theme that ties the illustrations together and communicates the message of intimate “loops” of people.

Different regions of the app would have their own screens communicated via flashing bold neon signs and floating wall posters. The font used here is Electronica Display.


In developing the avatars, there are two themes: everyday objects, and circular forms. The circular forms tie into the loops motif, and their closed crescent eyes are a nod to the illustration style of Headspace. Everyday objects are used to convey simple emotions or states of mind. The two avatars were based on two sample personas in the design brief.

Loop Character Thorns


Thorns is a cactus and based on a female persona with dating anxiety. The anxiety makes her feel the need to push away potential partners, like the way a cactus uses thorns to protect itself by repelling animals.

Loop Character Bulbs


Bulbs is a lightbulb based on an artist persona that regularly experiences the self-doubt that plagues many artists, both in seeing the value of their work, and of their wider role in the world. Bulb’s flickering filament is a symbol of the fickle nature of inspiration and motivation of all creatives.