One of my personal projects, this is a Mexican village that has established itself on a giant, centuries old cactus. The houses are perched on top of large, stone pavers, questionably supported by timber logs driven into the cactus. This village comes with its own church and electric lighting. Crowning it all is an Aztec temple perched near the summit. Perhaps most astounding about this community is the sheer danger in which they choose to live by climbing rickety wooden ladders in between levels.

Mexican Village Day
Mexican Village Night

This is the animation loop I used for my (late) debut on Dribbble. It is not part of the same scene, but uses one of the housing models, with a character named Armando playing the guitar.

Mexican Cactus Renders

The cacti and grass used for both the cactus village and the Dribbble debut animation were inspired by Chris Guyot’s colourful nature exploration series.